Research Interests



2020: Underworld Gods in Ancient Greek Religion: Death and Reciprocity, Routledge

2020: Heroines of Olympus: The Women of Greek Mythology, Welbeck Publishing

Peer-Reviewed Articles and Chapter

Revise and Resubmit: ‘(Re)Appraising the Parthenon Frieze: Divinespace and Mortalspace’

Resubmitted following revisions: ‘Embodied Wearing: Clothing for Artemis in Ancient Athenian Religion’

Forthcoming: ‘The Cave of Laughlessness, Sensory Deprivation, and Cognitive Depletion at Eleusis’, Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies

2019: Weaving for Athena: The Arrhephoroi, Panathenaia, and Mundane Acts as Religious Devotion, Journal of Hellenic Religion 12: 61-84

2018: Girls Playing Persephone (in Marriage and Death), Mnemosyne 71.2:209-228 (Published as Ellie Mackin)

2013: ‘Doom and Sorrow: Achilleus’s Physical Expression of Mourning in the Iliad, Rosetta 13:111-121 (Published as Ellie Mackin)

Encyclopaedia Entries

2023: ‘Hades’ Oxford Classical Dictionary (5th edition), Oxford University Press

Digital Resources

2023: Brauron Clothing Catalogue Datasetdigital open-access dataset, with L Cleland (currently under embargo)

Articles Related to Pedagogy

2017: Classics and Feminist Pedagogy: Practical Tips for Teaching, Council of University Classics Departments Bulletin 46, with K Cook and R Fallas

2017: Practical Tips for Feminist Pedagogy in Classics, Council of University Classics Departments Bulletin 46, with K Cook and R Fallas

2017: Dehierarchising the HE Classroom: An Experiment, British Naval History (online)

2016: Gaining HEA Fellowship Through Teaching Recognition, Council of University Classics Departments Bulletin 45

Books in Preparation

Edited Collection in Preparation

Articles and Chapters in Preparation